C++ Programming
Course Details
- Category: Programming
- Basic Skill: C programming
- Course Duration: 2 Months
C++ is a middle-level programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. C++ runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This C++ tutorial adopts a simple and practical approach to describe the concepts of C++ for beginners to advanded software engineers.
Course Contents
1. Basic concept of C++ programming
1.1 Welcome to C++
1.2 Your First C++ Program
1.3 Headers and namespaces
1.4 New Lines
1.6 Variables
1.7 Working with Variables
1.8 More on Variables
1.9 Basic Arithmetic
1.10 Assignment and Increment Operators
1.11 Module 1 Quiz
2. Conditionals and Loops
2.1 The if Statement
2.2 The else Statement
2.3 The while Loop
2.4 Using a while Loop
2.5 The for Loop
2.6 The do... while Loop
2.7 The switch Statement
2.8 Logical Operators
2.9 Module 2 Quiz
3. Data Types, Arrays, Pointers
3.1 Introduction to Data Types
3.2 int, float, double
3.3 string, char, bool
3.4 Variable Naming Rules
3.5 Arrays
3.6 Using Arrays in Loops
3.7 Arrays in Calculations
3.8 Multi-Dimensional Arrays
3.9 Introduction to Pointers
3.10 More on Pointers
3.11 Dynamic Memory
3.12 The sizeof() Operator
3.13 Module 3 Quiz
4. Functions
4.1 Introduction to Functions
4.2 Function Parameters
4.3 Functions with Multiple Parameters
4.4 The rand() Function
4.5 Default Arguments
4.6 Function Overloading
4.7 Recursion
4.8 Passing Arrays to Functions
4.9 Pass by Reference with Pointers
4.10 Module 4 Quiz
5. Classes and Objects
5.1 What is an Object?
5.2 What is a Class?
5.3 Example of a Class
5.4 Abstraction
5.5 Encapsulation
5.6 Example of Encapsulation
5.7 Constructors
5.8 Module 5 Quiz
6. More On Classes
6.1 Separate Files for Classes
6.2 Destructors
6.3 Selection Operator
6.4 Const Objects
6.5 Member Initializers
6.6 Composition, Part 1
6.7 Composition, Part 2
6.8 The Friend Keyword
6.9 The This Keyword
6.10 Operator Overloading
6.11 Module 6 Quiz
7. Inheritance & Polymorphism
7.1 Inheritance
7.2 Protected Members
7.3 Derived Class Constructor & Destructor
7.4 Polymorphism
7.5 Virtual Functions
7.6 Abstract Classes
7.7 Module 7 Quiz
8. Templates, Exceptions, and Files
8.1 Function Templates
8.2 Function Templates with Multiple Parameters
8.3 Class Templates
8.4 Template Specialization
8.5 Exceptions
8.6 More on Exceptions
8.7 Working with Files
8.8 More on Files
8.9 sModule 8 Quiz
Basic program for practice
1. Start with Basic Programs
- 1.1 Greatest of Three Numbers
- 1.2 Divisor of a Number
- 1.3 Prime Number Program
- 1.4 Armstrong Number Program
- 1.5 Factorial of a Number
- 1.6 Fibonacci Series upto n terms
- 1.7 Simple Calculator Program
- 1.8 Half Pyramid using *
- 1.9 Full Pyramid using *
- 1.10 Pascal Triangle
- 1.11 Swap Two Numbers
- 1.12 Palindrome Program
2. Advanced C++ Programs
- 2.1 Matrix Operation on 2D Array
- 2.2 Transpose of Matrix
- 2.3 Call by Value and Reference
- 2.4 Inheritance