C Programming
Course Details
- Category: Programming
- Basic Skill: Basic Computer
- Course Duration: 2 Months
C programming is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis M. Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories to develop the UNIX operating system. C is the most widely used computer language. It keeps fluctuating at number one scale of popularity along with Java programming language, which is also equally popular and most widely used among modern software programmers.
Course Contents
1. Basic concept of C programming
1.1 What is C?
1.2 Hello World
1.3 Data Types
1.4 Input & Output
1.6 Operators
1.7 Module 1 Quiz
2. Conditionals and Loops
2.1 Conditionals
2.2 Nested if Statements
2.3 The switch Statement
2.4 Input & Output
2.5 Logical Operators
2.6 The while Loop
2.7 The for Loop
2.8 Module 2 Quiz
3. Functions, Arrays & Pointers
3.1 Functions
3.2 Recursive Functions
3.3 Arrays
3.4 Two-Dimensional Arrays
3.5 Pointers
3.6 More On Pointers
3.7 Functions & Arrays
3.8 Module 3 Quiz
4. Strings & Function Pointers
4.1 Strings
4.2 String Functions
4.3 Function Pointers
4.4 Void Pointer
4.5 Module 4 Quiz
5. Structures & Unions
5.1 Structures
5.2 Working With Structures
5.3 Unions
5.4 Working With Unions
5.5 Module 5 Quiz
6. Memory Management
6.1 Working With Memory
6.2 The malloc Function
6.3 calloc and realloc
6.4 Dynamic Strings & Arrays
6.5 Module 6 Quiz
7. Files & Error Handling
7.1 Working With Files
7.2 Binary File I/O
7.3 Error Handling
7.4 Using Error Codes
7.5 Module 7 Quiz
8. The Preprocessor
8.1 Preprocessor Directives
8.2 Conditional Compilation Directives
8.3 Preprocessor Operators
8.4 Module 8 Quiz
Basic program for practice
1. Start with Basic Programs
- 1.1 Hello World
- 1.2 Taking Input from User
- 1.3 Find ASCII Value of Character
- 1.4 Using gets() function
- 1.5 If-Else
- 1.6 Switch Case
- 1.7 Checking for Vowel
- 1.8 Reversing Case of Character
- 1.9 Swapping Two Numbers
- 1.10 Largest and Smallest using Global Declaration
2. Loops
- 2.1 Basic
Loop - 2.2 Basic
Loop - 2.3 Basic
Loop - 2.4 Nested
Loop - 2.5 Program to find Factorial of number
- 2.6 Print your name
times - 2.7 Fibonacci Series Program
- 2.8 Palindrome Program
- 2.9 Program to find Sum of Digits
- 2.10 Program to reverse a String
3. Number Crunching
- 3.1 Program to find Average of
Numbers - 3.2 Armstrong Number
- 3.3 Checking input number for Odd or Even
- 3.4 Print Factors of a Number
- 3.5 Find sum of
Numbers - 3.6 Print first
Prime Numbers - 3.7 Find Largest among
Numbers - 3.8 Exponential without
- 3.9 Find whether number is
- 3.10 Exponential without
4. Program with Arrays
- 4.1 Reverse an Array
- 4.2 Insert Element to Array
- 4.3 Delete Element from Array
- 4.4 Largest and Smallest Element in Array
- 4.5 Sum of N Numbers using Arrays
- 4.6 Sort Array Elements
- 4.7 Remove Duplicate Elements
- 4.8 Square Matrix
- 4.9 Addition and Subtraction of Matrices
- 4.10 Matrix Mulitplication
5. Pointers
- 5.1 Simple Program
- 5.2 Memory Management
- 5.3 Array of Pointers
- 5.4 Pointer Increment and Decrement
- 5.5 Pointer Comparison
- 5.6 Pointer to a Pointer
- 5.7 Concatenate Strings using Pointer
- 5.8 Reverse a String using Pointer
- 5.9 Swapping Two Numbers
- 5.10 Null Pointer
6. Concept of Recursion
- 6.1 Adding Two Numbers
- 6.2 Sum of First
Numbers - 6.3 Sum of Digits
- 6.4 Palindrome
- 6.5 Power of
- 6.6 Largest Array Element
- 6.7 LCM of Two Numbers
- 6.8 GCD of Two Numbers
- 6.9 Reverse a String
- 6.10 Prime or Composite
7. File And Streams
- 7.1 List Files in Directory
- 7.2 Size of File
- 7.3 Write in File
- 7.4 Reverse Content of File
- 7.5 Copy File to Another File