Course Details
- Category:Web Development
- Basic Skill: C programming
- Course Duration: 2 Months
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is the most widely used language on Web to develop web pages. HTML was created by Berners-Lee in late 1991 but "HTML 2.0" was the first standard HTML specification which was published in 1995. HTML 4.01 was a major version of HTML and it was published in late 1999. Though HTML 4.01 version is widely used but currently we are having HTML-5 version which is an extension to HTML 4.01, and this version was published in 2012.
CSS is used to control the style of a web document in a simple and easy way. CSS is the acronym for "Cascading Style Sheet". This tutorial covers both the versions CSS1,CSS2 and CSS3, and gives a complete understanding of CSS, starting from its basics to advanced concepts.
Course Contents
1. Overview
1.1 What is HTML?
1.2 Basic HTML Document Structure
1.3 Creating Your First HTML Page
1.4 Creating a Blog
1.5 Module 1 Quiz
2. HTML Basics
2.1 Paragraphs
2.2 Text Formatting
2.3 Headings, Lines, Commentss
2.4 Blog Project: About Me
2.5 Elements
2.6 Attributes
2.7 Images
2.8 Links
2.9 Lists
2.10 Blog Project: My Skills
2.11 Tables
2.12 Blog Project: My Schedule
2.13 Inline and Block Elements
2.14 Forms
2.15 Blog Project: Contact Form
2.16 HTML Colors,Frames
2.17 Blog Project: Putting It All Together
2.18 Module 2 Quiz
2.19 header, nav & footer
2.20 article, section & aside,The audio Element
2.21 The video Element,& The progress Element
2.22 Web Storage API & Geolocation API
2.23 Drag&Drop API & SVG
2.24 SVG Animations & Paths
2.25 Canvas & SVG vs. Canvas
2.26 Canvas Transformations
2.27 HTML5 Forms, Part 1 & HTML5 Forms, Part 2
1.Basics of the CSS
1.1 What is CSS?
1.2 Inline, Embedded, External CSS
1.3 CSS Rules and Selectors
1.4 CSS Comments & Style Cascade and Inheritance
1.5 Module 1 Quiz
2.Working with Text
2.1 font-family & font-size
2.2 font-style
2.3 font-weight & font-variant
2.4 colo
2.5 Aligning Text Horizontally
2.6 Aligning Text Vertically
2.7 text-decoration
2.8 Indenting the Text
2.9 text-shadow & text-transform
2.10 letter-spacing & Word-spacing
2.11 white-spacing
2.12 Module 2 Quiz
3.1 Introducing the Box Model
3.2 Understanding the Box Model
3.3 Borders & Width and Heights
3.4 background-color & background-image
3.5 background-repeat
3.6 background-attachment & Styling the Lists
3.7 Styling the Tables & Styling the Links
3.8 Customizing the Mouse Cursor
3.9 Module 3 Quiz
4.Positioning and Layout
4.1 The display Property
4.2 The visibility Property
4.3 Positioning & Floating
4.4 The clear Property & The overflow Property
4.5 The z-index Property
4.6 Module 4 Quiz
5.CSS3 Basics
5.1 Vendor Prefixes
5.2 Rounded Corners
5.3 box-shadow & Box Shadow Techniques
5.4 Transparency Effect & Pseudo Classes
5.5 Pseudo Elements & word-wrap
5.6 @font-face
6.Gradients & Backgrounds
6.1 Linear Gradients
6.2 Radial Gradients
6.3 background-size & background-clip
6.4 Transparent Borders
6.5 Multiple Background Images
6.6 opacity
7.Transitions & Transforms
7.1 Transitions & transform: rotate()
7.2 transform origin, translate(), skew()
7.3 scale(), Multiple Transformations
7.4 Keyframes & Animation
7.5 Animation Properties
7.6 3D Transforms
7.7 CSS Filters
7.8 Filter Functions
7.9 Opacity & Brightness 4 quizzes
7.10 Using Multiple CSS Filters
7.11 Module 8 Quiz
Basic program for practice
1. Start with Basic Programs
- 1.1 Greatest of Three Numbers
- 1.2 Divisor of a Number
- 1.3 Prime Number Program
- 1.4 Armstrong Number Program
- 1.5 Factorial of a Number
2. Advanced C++ Programs
- 2.1 Matrix Operation on 2D Array
- 2.2 Transpose of Matrix
- 2.3 Call by Value and Reference
- 2.4 Inheritance