Operating System maintenance
Course Details
- Category: Operating System
- Basic Skill: Basic Computer
- Course Duration: 2 Months
An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware. An operating system is a software which performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. Some popular Operating Systems include Linux Operating System, Windows Operating System, VMS, OS/400, AIX, z/OS, etc.
Course Contents
1. Basic concept of Operating System
1.1 Introduction to Operating System
1.2 Memory Management
1.3 Processor Management
1.4 Device Management
1.5 File Management
1.6 Security
1.7 Control over system performance
1.8 Job accounting
1.9 Error detecting aids
1.10 Coordination between other software and users
2. Types of Operating System
2.1 Batch operating system
2.2 Time-sharing operating systems
2.3 Distributed operating System
2.4 Network operating System
2.5 Real Time operating System
3. Operating System - Services
3.1 Program execution
3.2 I/O operations
3.3 File System manipulation
3.4 Communication
3.5 Error Detection
3.6 Resource Allocation
3.7 Protection
4. Operating System - Properties
4.1 Batch processing
4.2 Multitasking
4.3 Multiprogramming
4.4 Interactivity
4.5 Real Time System
4.6 Distributed Environment
4.7 Spooling
5. Operating System - Processes
5.1 Process
5.2 Program
5.3 Process Life Cyclesss
5.4 Process Control Block (PCB)
6. Operating System - Process Scheduling
6.1 Definition
6.2 Process Scheduling Queues
6.3 Two-State Process Model
6.4 Schedulers
6.5 Long Term Scheduler
6.6 Short Term Scheduler
6.7 Medium Term Scheduler
6.8 Context Switch
7. Operating System Scheduling algorithms
7.1 First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling
7.2 Shortest-Job-Next (SJN) Scheduling
7.3 Priority Scheduling
7.4 Shortest Remaining Time
7.5 Round Robin(RR) Scheduling
7.6 Multiple-Level Queues Scheduling
8. Operating System - Multi-Threading
8.1 What is Thread?
8.2 Difference between Process and Thread
8.3 Types of Thread
8.4 Multithreading Models
8.5 Many to Many Model
8.6 Many to One Model
8.7 One to One Model
9. Operating System - Memory Management
9.1 Process Address Space
9.2 Static vs Dynamic Loading
9.3 Static vs Dynamic Linking
9.4 Swapping
9.5 Memory Allocation
9.6 Fragmentation
9.7 Paging
9.8 Segmentation
10. Operating System - Virtual Memory
10.1 Demand Paging
10.2 Page Replacement Algorithm
10.3 First In First Out (FIFO) algorithm
10.4 Optimal Page algorithm
10.5 Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm
10.6 Page Buffering algorithm
10.7 Least frequently Used(LFU) algorithm
10.8 Most frequently Used(MFU) algorithm
11. Operating System - I/O Hardware
11.1 Device Controllers
11.2 Synchronous vs asynchronous I/O
11.3 Communication to I/O Devices
11.4 Polling vs Interrupts I/O
11.5 Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm
11.6 Page Buffering algorithm
11.7 Least frequently Used(LFU) algorithm
11.8 Most frequently Used(MFU) algorithm
12. Operating System - I/O Softwares
12.1 Device Drivers
12.2 Interrupt handlers
12.3 Device-Independent I/O Software
12.4 User-Space I/O Software
12.5 Kernel I/O Subsystem
13. Operating System - File System
13.1 File Structure
13.2 File Type
13.3 File Access Mechanisms
13.4 Space Allocation
14. Operating System - Security
14.1 Authentication
14.2 One Time passwords
14.3 Program Threats
14.4 System Threats
13.5 Computer Security Classifications
Basic Operating System for practice
1. Start with Basic Operating Systems
- 1.1 Computer formatting process
- 1.2 Install a new operating system
- 1.3 Basics of cmd commands
- 1.4 Basic of Boot Menu.